Kejraj #wingnut #ufo #magick

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

We ask that you let go of your worries relating to the presidential inauguration of @realDonaldTrump for he is protected by higher forces.

The star family which has watched humanity evolve for thousands of years, and has always been present in your skies, is also watching Trump during these times of great change.

From the Federation of Light, to Angels, and the ground crew, Donald Trump is protected.

What you may want to prepare for mentally and emotionally are events that may follow in the days ahead. For the Dark will stop at nothing to push fear, division, and chaos, in order to lower the vibrational frequency of the Human Collective.

The world is healing, regardless of what you see in the outside. A shift in consciousness is taking place, that is to see humanity rise into a new dimensional reality.

Nothing can stop this. However, it is the Dark’s goal to create as much chaos as possible so it can harvest the loosh released from the fear mongering. Let go of fear. Do your best to let go of all that which no longer serves your spiritual growth and expansion.

All the light to You!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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