Uglyme #psycho #sexist #racist

[LifeFuel] My whorish teenager neighbor has been missing since yesterday

Today I was coming back from the grocery store and my single mom roastie neighbor was sitting on the stairs of my building. She had red watery eyes, like if she had been crying. She asked me if by any chance I had seen her daughter. I told her no. She said she had gotten out yesterday to go to visit her boyfriend (to fuck him cause you know, Chad needs to be serviced) and she was supposed to come home in the morning. Like wtf what kind of mom allows her daughter to spend the night at Chads house? Anyways, I told her to call her bf but she said he's not answering. I told her to call the police then and started to climb up the stairs. I left her there.

The situation of those foids couldn't be more pathetic: single mom gradma, single mom mother, and probably soon-to-be a single mom daughter. All of them rotting in misery. They come from a third world shit hole so they have that mentality to ruin their lives with the first Chad they can find. That whore is probably wasted and stoned and covered in Chad and Tyrone fucking seed right now. Fucking whore, I hope she gets back covered in bruises cause her bf almost choked her to death.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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