Oh, look, Eric opened a dictionary!
And thinks evolutiojnary theory is neither OBSERVABLE, TESTABLE, REPEATABLE, nor FALSIFIABLE.
What makes it not ‘falsifiable,’ dorkfish? I mean, if you or uour dad could find an upper limit to macroevolution, that’d falsify evolution.
What makes it not repeatable? I admit, a million years is not EASILY repeatable, but we could certainly try. Funding would be a bitch, especially when the great grandkids of the initial researchers forget what the experiment is, but it IS repeatable.
Why is MILLIONS OF YEARS not observable? There’s varves. Twenty million annual layers, right? Anyone wants to drill under the river in Wyoming can find 20 million layers. or is that too much work? Get some grad students, that’s what they’re for.
Why isn’t it testable? Do you know what testable means? If you could find a rabbit fossil that tests to 64 Million YBC, that’d break the test, what?
You need to put some work into your effort, dumbass. PROVE this assertion. or shut the fuik up.