Mainländer #wingnut #sexist #dunning-kruger

People don't consent to being born in this world through the sexual actions (often irresponsible ones, to boot) of others.

People don't consent to being ethnic or racemixed (just take a look at how most people here feel about belonging to those ethnicities), which is something progressive leftists like you promote. White birth rates are plummeting for years now while ethnic, black and mixed birth rates go up year by year.

People don't consent to being raised by single mothers, stepfathers, and other disfuncional arrangements. I sure as hell didn't. Another thing people like you promote.

People don't consent to being forced by the government to pay taxes, many of which fund things people strongly disagree with such as benefits to single moms (statistically one of the most benefited demographics by taxation). And before you say something like "oh but men benefit from tax money too!", learn what statistics mean, you dumb fuckers. If I give you 100 bucks and you give me 50 bucks back, in the end I gave you 50 bucks. This is how the men and women situation regarding taxes is; men pay more into the system, women benefit more.

Many entrepreneurs don't consent to being forced by the governments to hire a certain quota of women, paying maternity leave to them, etc.

I could go on.

So the point is, regarding my other thread and the responses it got, don't pretend having your breast touched is something serious, a heinous crime that should result in the man going to jail and having his life destroyed over if you're an immoral promiscuous slut who likes being violently humiliated during sex. You have no morals to pretend being a prude and having your breast touched is fucking nothing compared to all the other consent violation examples I talked about here.

If a male heavyweight pro fighter complained to the police about having been slapped on the face by a woman and wanted her to go to jail over it, everyone would laugh at him. So this is basically the same.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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