Brian Niemeier #fundie

Leading fast food chain Chick-Fil-A dismayed its largely Christian customer base earlier this week by announcing that they would no longer make charitable donations to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. This announcement evoked much gloating from the Death Cult, since both charities adhere to correct Christian doctrine on sodomy.

Chick-Fil-A's decision was stupid for a number of reasons, not the least of which being that giving the Death Cult an inch only encourages them to demand a mile.


More importantly, caving to the Cult undermines the reason why Chick-Fil-A has thrived while other major brands like McDonald's have hit a rough spot.

McDonalds' enjoyed explosive growth in the second half of the 20th century because of their child-centric marketing. Little Timmy would see a McDonald's commercial on Saturday morning and pester his dad to buy him some nuggies, fries, and a cheap plastic toy. Dad would grab a Big Mac while he was there. It was a classic loss lead-upsell strategy, and it worked.

What happened to McDonald's? Demographic decline. After the Baby Boom, each generation has had successively fewer children. They tried roping adults in directly with the Dollar Menu, but instead of buying a $1 burger and adding higher-margin sides, customers just bought three $1 burgers.

By contrast, Chick-Fil-A appealed to the only people who are still having kids--Christians. This is a demographic that's already fed up with being villified and ignored. Spurning its core customers' beliefs while taking them for granted is a recipe for disaster.

Luckily for them, Chick-Fil-A seems to have reached the same conclusion.


Chick-Fil-A's renunciation of Satan's empty promises should encourage Christians. We are still a majority, and we still have power to consecrate the world to God, if only we heed Christ's command not to fear the world's wrath.

Anyway, no good deed should go unrewarded. I advise showing solidarity with those who share your values by partaking of the Lord's Chicken tonight.

And by buying my pulse-pounding military thriller Combat Frame XSeed now!



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