
somethgblue #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy discover.hubpages.com

It can be difficult to interpret ancient mythology, legends and manuscripts into modern thinking but the two Battles of Magh Tuireadh of Celtic Mythology seem to indicate that the Fomorians and especially the Tuatha Dé Danann were in actuality Hollow Earth inhabitants.

Of all the people I have met and talked to that do indeed subscribe to the Hollow Earth theory, many are divided as to the altruism of its inhabitants and some believe that those that live inside our planet are demons with nefarious intent and because of this none should be trusted. However I submit to my reader that, just as there are evil men with corrupt intentions on the surface, so too are there different factions within our planet that may oppose each other's philosophical beliefs.
I believe the ancient mythology of the Celts shows that this is exactly what happened however what they mistook as Gods were actually inner Earth inhabitants that had moved to the surface for their war-like nature. Having left through the Northern polar entrance to Hollow Earth in ships (what we would call UFOs) they decided to follow their ancestors the Nemed to Ireland.
What is interesting to note is that the first stories of the Tuatha Dé Danann has them landing on the mountain tops of Conmaicne Rein (Connachta) and with them they brought three days of darkness. The significance of this is that ancient 'Great Flood' (Polar Shift) mythology the world over speaks of three days of darkness. There is sufficient evidence to show that they arrived in Ireland soon after a major catastrophic flood of global proportions. This would coincide with the passing of Nibiru Planet X 3,600 years ago.
They were said to have come from four ancient cities far to the North Falias, Gorias, Murias and Finias where they learned their magical skills and knowledge. However since these cities have never been found, then they could very well exist in a land not recognized by our own historians, such as Hollow Earth.

Reality Bytes #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy discover.hubpages.com

A Freeman on the Land is a living and breathing human being.

It is not a Social Security Number.

It is not a Birth Certificate.

A Freeman on the Land is a human that lives under Common Law Jurisdiction.

It is a human who lawfully rescinds consent to be represented by another human being.

It is a human who refuses to be Governed and exists as an entity upon itself.

It is a person who lives free of Statutory Limits, nor does a Freeman on the Land have obligations or restrictions forced upon them.

They are FREE!
I am Free!

A Freeman on the Land realizes that they do not need a license for permission to take part in lawful activities.

A Free Man understands the equality of each individual human being.

A Freeman does not need to ask permission from any other human, they would rather rely on Claims.
The need to ask permission from another human to participate in a lawful pursuit is similar to treating people as if they were children in the eyes of those that grant such permissions.

Your not a child are you?
If you are not aware of your Common Law rights and freedoms that you have been endowed with simply by the fact that you were born, then you need to learn them..

How do you know what rights and freedoms you have to relinquish to receive the benefits of society?

How do you know that what you obtain is in fact a benefit?

Would you purchase anything without being aware of the cost, then brag about what a great deal you just got?

What do you gain by claiming Freeman on the Land status?

You gain a choice, a choice not to be governed by a pile of statutes.

You gain the option to consent to not be controlled by government regulations and by-laws.

You choose not to recognize laws made and designed so that the average human has no chance of understanding.

You choose to be FREE!

If you do not see the Benefit to this then continue to live your life under your nanny state and do what you are TOLD!

Reality Bytes #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy discover.hubpages.com

I have been asked several times "What is Lawful Rebellion?

The word Rebellion has several definitions, one of these definitions is a word that has been used often to describe active dissent against the Government. The word is Revolution!

Rebellion can be defined as;

1.Refusal to consent to an authority a code or a convention.

2. An action or display of resistance of authority of an established government.

Lawful can be defined as;

1. Staying within the boundaries of the Law.

2. Actions which are permitted by Law.

3. Methods of dissent that do not violate any Laws.

4. A lawful refusal to consent to an authority that is unjust!

Revolution itself is an abolishment or refusal to comply with established authority, combined with a complete replacement of an already established Government or other political system by the People that are governed.

History has produced a document which clearly defines the issue of Lawful Rebellion. This definition can be found in article 61 of the Magna Carta.
Constitutional Law, Article 61 of the Magna Carta and Lawful Rebellion!

Lawful Rebellion provides for a simple recourse for the People;

The Right to refuse payment of any form of Taxes, Fines, or any other payments which would be used to benefit or support said unlawful actions of the Government.
The Right to refuse to abide by any Law, Legislation, or other Statutory instrument which has been put in place invalidly by said unlawful government which violates any Constitutional safeguard.
To obstruct in any possible way, any actions of the treasonous government of a Nation that has broken the safeguards put in place by the Constitution, This obstruction is to be done with no violence at all! Only Lawful obstruction allowed through the Freedoms guaranteed to us by our Constitution as well as Article 61 of the Magna Carta.

Above is a list of three actions, that we as a People can rely on Article 61 and what it allows for. A Freeman will exercise his Rights to engage in Lawful Rebellion.

PlanosLie #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie discover.hubpages.com

[From “10 Reasons Why Aliens Are Actually Fallen Angels or Demons”]

1. The aliens of our time match the demons and fallen angels mentioned in the Bible in terms of their behavior.
2. Like the Bible predicts, aliens never affirm the deity of Christ nor do they claim to come in his name.
3. Aliens change their stories to delude man into believing their lies. One example of this is that before man had been to outer space or sent satellites there, aliens would claim to be from planets such as Jupiter in our solar system. As time went on ... we realized that no one could live on a planet like Jupiter ...
4. Though aliens are said to be advanced, it seems they need us for their survival just as fallen angels need human beings to prey on. ...
5. Alien abductions are stopped by invoking the name of Jesus.
6. Aliens bring ideas to earth that will help man unite worldwide for a new era of consciousnesses. This uniting prepares the way for their leader (who is possibly the Antichrist) ...
7. Aliens often contact "new-agers" and occultists, as opposed to Christians. This is not always the case ... However, I believe that these "space brothers" are not too interested in contacting Christians. This is because Christians will be able to see through aliens' disguise and know them for what they are: demons.
8. Aliens are not opposed to being worshipped by humans. They also deny their creator (God), claiming instead that they are Creators. This serves to draw man away from God.
9. Aliens give man technology but these "advancements" are usually destructive. There are secret projects that many governments have in their budget which are usually for creating new weapons of war. ... Why don't aliens ever give us life-saving technology?
10. Aliens often emit horrible odors, such as sulfur. Some call this smell the stench of Hell since it is a sign of the eternal fire.

Mario Buildreps #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy discover.hubpages.com

What if both sides, religion and science, are right? That we are a product of evolution and creation?
Too Many Mysteries

Would you believe our ancestors were once created through genetic engineering by an extraterrestrial species, the Anunnaki? The gods, the extraterrestrials, who descended from the sky? That would explain a lot:

Why we never found the Missing Links between Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens (that's us). The number of difference between the two species is estimated at a whopping 1,650,000. That are about 4 (harmless) mutations per year! How the hell does this kind of evolution work?
Do We Like to Manipulate
Because We Are Manipulated?

What if there is no Missing Link? What if we are really created by genetic engineering? And the rest of the animals around us are the product of evolution? So, both. Scientists don't like that. Neither do creationists. Both want mono-theories only, which is caused by a dualistic nature: "I am right, and you are wrong."

Scientific theories are constantly overthrown by new ones, for it is incomplete by nature. That counts for Abrahamism too. They believe in the same God, but are still fighting eachother. Fighting for an illusion, while scientists are probing an illusion. Both doing the same thing seemingly differently.

What happens when slaves know the truth? They will revolt.

We as a slave species are constantly fed with lies, covered with a sauce of 'scientific' or 'religious' rubbish. We buy it. That is because we have a slave gene implanted, that whispers to us constantly from deep below: "Yes sir, yes sir. Immediately sir. Everything you say is true, sir. Thank you, sir."

That explains also why most of us are so easy to manipulate, because we've got slave genes implanted. The slave gene is somewhere brought in, in the junk part. It also explains why we like to modify organisms ourselves (GMO). It is similar as abused people who may become abusers themselves.