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RE: Waukesha Feels Abandoned After Tragic Parade Attack

“Because this was a black guy who did it, the media doesn’t want to cover it. They were all over the Rittenhouse case because that kid was white. Race doesn’t matter to us here, but the media makes everything about race.” said state Rep. Cindi Duchow. “We’ve got six people dead and teenagers so badly injured they will have to learn to walk again — at Christmas.”

"Race doesn’t matter to us here.”

And that, Republican Cindi Duchow, is why our people is both dying off and being routed by the ((())), the white bolsheviks, and the colored races. Whites as a weak, flaccid people that no longer cares about carrying their and their ancestors' genetic heritage on. After all, what does it matter - right Cindi? Does it matter whether your descendants look like Charles I, or like Jussie Smollett, or Xi Jinping, or Porfirio Diaz? Doesn't matter - does it Cindi? Dilute the blood, fool Cindi, and you dilute away the very characteristics that made our race of world explorers, pioneers, scientific researchers, technological innovators, conquerors, lawgivers and grand organizers of grand projects. None of this matters to you, you obtuse fool Cindi. Cindi, just hurry and get your first, then second, third, fourth, and fifth vaxx booster shots, so that we can be done with you.

“Race doesn’t matter here”

It sure should! What other racial group dominates violent crime statistics in the country and commit 90% of violent interracial crime? This is what’s wrong with white people, the sick men and women of America. They are bending over backwards to prove they are not racist after a vicious, white hating negro devil just mowed down over 60 white people celebrating in the streets of their town.

From the foolish perspective of whites like Duchow, "the Democrats are the real racists", and this misguided negro Brooks was mentally and psychologically in chains on the Democrat "plantation".



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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