Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #homophobia #pratt

[From “Rat Judge to Force Alex Jones to Sell Infowars to Pay Sandy Hoaxsters”]

America is a stupid, fake country. These faggots tell you they care about “freedom,” but in reality, they just mean “gay sex”[…]
They will claim there is a “virus” and lock you inside your house[…]Jewmericans do not allow freedom of speech or freedom of thought

They will call their ass-pals in France to arrest people who provide free speech platforms. If you run a journalistic endeavor that they dislike, they will just sue you[…]
Alex Jones did not actually lose any of these lawsuits. If they would have went to trial, the court would have found that the families were actors and no kids died, so the courts just gave him a series of “default judgements.” This means the judge just arbitrarily decided he was guilty without any due process

America is a hoax and a scam, just like Sandy Hook


Alex Jones ‘ Infowars media platform and its assets will be sold off[…]

Alex Jones did nothing but say these people were lying. Then the government came in and said “you have to give these random people your entire life’s work because it is illegal to say they lied”

Jones was a target because he supports traditional American ideas, and in America, supporting traditional ideas makes you a “dissident,” because the government is run by Jews who hate America[…]
Even if it was real, that would mean nothing. This is a massive media event which was used to attempt to shift the public perception of gun control. It was framed as a monumental turning point
You literally cannot question anything in this fake country. If you want to do like Matt Walsh, and say “actually, Martin Luther King was right, we shouldn’t have any races,” you have to go work for a Jew who can oversee your work and make sure it’s all kosher. But that’s as far as you can go



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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