Iceage #racist

Germany's Chief Turkish whore, Angela Merkel, denouncing Israel.

In the "land of lunacy," Germany, where they knowingly require forced labor for Poles, Romanians, and Bulgarians working there today, they pretend to be the E.U. "moral compass," by jailing those in their 90's like the little Ole "Nazi Grandma," but force labor onto Poles, Bulgarians, and Romanians. I guess those Eastern Europeans aren't Jews so it must be ok to wrong them. Years back Germany flooded in large numbers of Muslim Turks to fill jobs, and Angie has been kissing Turk butt ever since.
She has now identified herself as the true "Turkish whore" she is. German Nationals need to sell her to Turkey for the turk whore she is. She has been playing this "anti-se.itism ruse, while bowing and kissing Muslim butt, and the following is proof:

German top-selling paper slams Bundestag for ‘grotesque’ attack on Israel - The Jerusalem Post

Be mindful of the fact the Turk whore pretends to be of "unquestionable " moral standards, yet looks the other way when it is Eastern Europeans being wronged.

Leave the Nazi Grandma alone you warped Turk Whore, I hope Israel takes and occupies all of Turkey, and only gives some back after Kosovo is returned to Serbia whom it was wrongfully taken from.

Kosovo is Serbia you Turk Whore, Merkel.

Serbian and Hungarian Knights fought against the Muslim Turk in asion at the Battle of Kosovo Plains, this is part of Serb identity, and thanks to these people, and the Franks in France fighting against the invading Muslim hoardes we are not muslum today. Serbs were seriously wronged during WWII, the largest concentration camp was located in Croatia, strange no one is aware of it, but it was for killing Serbian Christians who were rounded up by "Muslim SS" Yes, Hitler allowed a Muslum SS Unit to form, and it was to exterminate Serb Christian's. So it wasn't just once, but twice these people were wronged, when they were wrongfully attacked by "NATO" These people, along with Eastern Europe, stood against the invasion of Europe, and we owe them our gratitude for our not being muslim. It was wrong to attack these people, and even even a greater wrong to them to take their identity, Kosovo, from them, where we all have ties to, I thank Serbia for fighting against the invading hoardes, and I thank you for my not being muslim today.

Those coward Politicians like Merkel kissing Muslim butt crack and turning their back on Europeans is what led to Serbia being wrongfully attacked, and Kosovo taken away, and this wrong must be corrected, and it can only be partially corrected by Kosovo being returned. The wrongful attack against Serbia can never be undone.

Could you perhaps provide an intelligent summary of the article?

I don`t want to click on the may surprise you to know.

I added additional comment to the original post, Is not likely your laptop will explode for reading the article, but it is highly likely Merkel types may visit you for speaking against the Muslim invasion of Europe. Merkel types pretend to be "anti-semitic," but force labor on Eastern Europeans, non-jew I assume, bomb an innocent Country to kiss Muslim butt, at the expense of Europe. They can complain about Israel when Kosovo is returned back to Serbia who were wrongfully attacked, and had territory wrongfully taken from them.

Kosovo is Serbia, and I thank Serbia and Eastern Europe for standing against the Muslim invasion of Europe, I am glad I am not Muslim.



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