I truly wish I could find a way to turn off all of the televisions that have the False Mainstream Media playing, especially in the Lightworkers and Patriots’ households! It does no one any good to listen to those boneheads! Most of the celebrity news anchors are not even human…they are either clones or hybrids of dark ancestry. So, please…your lives will be so much less stressed and filled with angst if you make the choice to turn off your televisions (and your phones if it is also conveying dark information)...and you will also find yourself with a LOT of extra time with which you can then do things that actually make you happy! I say YES to Happiness!
I am so very very proud of all our truckers! They are doing a magnanimous deed which will go down in history…our true history. The way that all who are involved in these Freedom Convoys are steadfastly staying peaceful, even during stressful situations which arise with the police, etc, is also wonderful to watch. As I hope you can see now, almost every faction of the government now has its “Light” faction, and it’s “Dark” faction…which means we have come a long way, baby! It is so wonderful when we see some of the police force refusing to arrest its own citizens…and sometimes, even putting down their batons, and joining them! So very wondrous, indeed!
So, I just wanted to stop by briefly to try to lift your spirits a bit…because we are getting closer and closer to the finish line…a line which will set all deceptions straight, and will begin to share the Light of Truth, instead. When you feel happy then you are raising your own energy and vibration levels and those vibrations will emanate out into the world, and will also help to raise the energy levels of those around you, and of the whole collective, in fact.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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