Here are some common myths about males:
1. They are intelligent.
2. They are rational/logical.
3. They are better drivers then women.
4. They are better at math.
5. They have more genuine friendships.
6. They are less shallow than women.
7. They are capable of love.
1) Well, not to brag, but I do have an IQ of 140+ last time I checked…
2) Thank you, it’s one of my absolute best strengths.
3) I haven’t learned to drive (yet), and I honestly would never dare to (for reasons), so no comment.
4) Don’t see how that’s relevant to misandry…
5) That hurts, you know…
7) Much more than you (you specifically), apparently, you sociopath…
But, since I’m still a male, can any of our wonderful FSTDT ladies give this one a trashing?
Some of those are technically correct, in a vacuum… but given #7, I’m not inclined to be at all fair or generous in interpreting the OP’s intentions. So as one woman to another, I say: you are an asshole, and there is a huge bonfire with your name on it. Please report there along with all the openly misogynistic men and burn together. Or, if you are a G.I.R.L. trolling people, please burn twice.
1. The most intelligent humans are male, but the least intelligent humans are also male. Most of us, male and female, are somewhere in the middle.
2. Men are encouraged to repress their feelings, which makes their feeling STRONGER, and sometimes disturb their rationality and logic.
3. Some of the men THINK they are better drivers, and thereby cause more accidents than women do. But that’s, again, men being encouraged, to be daredevils.
4. Men are ENCOURAGED in all the STEM subjects, while women are DISCOURAGED to pursue STEM subjects, as those are “not really women’s subjects, are they?”, or some such nonsense.
5. Sadly, when couples divorce, men are often left very, very alone, as it usually was the woman keeping in contact with friends and relatives.
6. There are shallow men and there are shallow women.
7. Most people are capable of love. My husband, my father, my two brothers, my father-in-law and my two brothers-in-law are all very loving. My six male colleagues are all in what I perceive to be loving relationships with women.
In short, most “problems” on this list are things that men are encouraged and brought up to be, not how men are born.
You’re full of shit, Femcel.
Sure I’m more than a little vain (hello hot stuff, standing there in the mirror), but that doesn’t mean I’m less of a person than you.
Reading that reddit, I notice that men are referred to as ‘moids’ and a pretty woman is described as ‘Staceymaxxing’. Only an incel or someone who watches incels’ antics (including us on FSTDT) would ’get’ those references. So I’d suggest that the participants are a mixture of genuine radfems, silly young man-haters and incels roleplaying as the first two. No idea which of those the quotee is, however.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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