Conservatives: ya know... human trafficking is modern day slavery. And there sure is an awful lot of down at-
Progressives: SKREEEEE, BIGOT!
You would say that Evangelical Christians are Conservatives: they have to be by definition, eh OP? And according to you - a Conservative - Abolitionism is Progressive .
Well, say hello to local hero William Wilberforce : Evangelical Christian and Abolitionist.
His home - now a museum & memorial - is preserved by Hull City Council: Labour, ergo Progressive .
No doubt Humberside Police have dealt with those involved in human trafficking; their actions against such no doubt praised by Hull City Council.
Sure, Jon-Boy,and The Donald is going to arrest all the Democrats and celebrities you hate right after his 2017 inauguration. Or in 2018. Or '19.
Aaaaaaaaaany minute now, QMoron.
@arp #62283
That and the supposed “white” slave trade. If it’s brown people literally being trafficked, they don’t care. If it’s made up shit about white women and children, they’re all over it, even though they show in their actions at home that they hate those groups too.
On a more serious note Operation Autumn Hope bore fruit in Ohio, rescuing many children and getting evidence to finally nail corrupt attorney Michael Mearan to the wall after years of using the courts as his own personal bordello exploiting women on trial who were at an even worse disadvantage than most women trying to be heard because they were casually dismissed as criminals.
Although disappointingly he's already out on bail.
The superficial veneer of respectability should not protect scumbags like that as well as it does, and he should be an object lesson in the dangers of a rush to marginalize and effectively strip people of the protection of the law shouting them down when they are victimized in broad daylight.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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