various commenters #transphobia

Yeah, your fellow TIMs lobbied to get it banned


( SlowCollapse )
The alternative treatment is what humanity has done for millennia:

- No internet porn.
- No social media, smartphones, or other exposure to toxic activism.
- Preserve the innocence of childhood. Don't sexualise kids.
- Allow puberty to happen normally.
- Make your life about your achievements, not your identity.
But just suggesting that would be 'hateful evil conversion therapy' these days...

( Unicorn )
TRAs demonized this type of "alternative treatment" as "conversion therapy" and threatened to revoke therapist's licenses for trying to encourage people to be okay with the sex they were born with. Good job reinventing the wheel, I guess.

( natkomer123 )
This is the biggest issue with combining the LGB with the T. Conversion therapy for LGB people is a horrible thing because being gay does not harm anyone. But T people are looking to take harmful hormones, remove healthy organs, and cut their genitals/breast off - these are people who need psychiatric help. But because we've combined LGBT, when we banned conversion therapy it had to include the T too.

( danaseilhan )
Somebody needs to remind the T's that WoMeN cAn HaVe PeNiSeS. It cannot possibly be "conversion therapy" to put a stop to gender surgeries and gender drugs, because supposedly you do not have to transition to be trans. They need to pick one or the other and quit moving the goalposts.

( Every-Man-His-Own-Football )
For gender (anatomic sex) dysphoric children/adolescents, that is. I doubt there will ever be effective treatment for AGPs unless they stop chasing their addictive fetish.

( Persimmon64 )
Yeah, there doesn't seem to be a way to treat sexual perversions. I don't think there's a known "cure" for pedophilia or sex offenders either. I suggest castration for all of them.

( a_shrubf )
Quick, get the holy trans anointing oil, there's some evil internalized transmisogyny to cast out with gender affirmation chants!!

( Persimmon64 )
They have found something that can be done for dysphoria instead of transitioning and it actually works quite well. These people just don't want that. They'd rather continue to indulge in their delusions than try to be comfortable in their own bodies.



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