Coach Dave Daubenmire #fundie #racist #wingnut #conspiracy
The War on White Christian Men
The war in our nation is not political. It is not Republican/Democrat, black/white, old/young. rich/poor, or any other phony “war” they have mustered up.
No, my friends, the war is as old as time itself. It is a battle of the “seed of the serpent” and the “seed of the woman” …between “his” seed and “her” seed. Read Psalm 2. It is no more complicated than that.
The battle in America, and the world, is between two seeds. The term “Seed” represents offspring. Despite what you may have been taught in your church not all people are children of God. In fact, Jesus pointed that out “You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do.”
Did you know that? Has your Pastor taught you that the Devil has ACTUAL children? Perhaps that is why Christianity is in such a mess in America. We can’t even recognize who the real enemy is.
“The children of the Devil” hate Christianity. They hate those who were created in HIS image. They hate those who wish to “do the will of the They hate the “children of God” who have been called to expand the Kingdom of God.
There is no neutral ground in this battle. You either serve Jesus or you serve the Devil. There is no de-militarized zone.
Christians have been hood-winked. Because of the misunderstood statement that the Church and the State are to be “separate” the Body of Christ has been taught that the Body of Christ is subservient to the government of men. Christianity isn’t a CHURCH; it is a BODY. Jesus is the HEAD of all things, in all things, and through all things. That is what the Bible teaches.
What happens to a BODY if you separate it from the head? It is called decapitation. America has been decapitated. Christ is the head of all things…except the government. The head has been removed from the body. The results of the willful decapitation is playing out in the lives of innocent Christian men all across this nation.