Fear is not a healthy thing, it’s a fight-or-flight thing.
Are you under the impression that cave men really clubbed women and dragged them back to their cave? That’s utter nonsense! The men would wake up a couple of weeks/months later with horrible stomach pains and die of the poisoning or choke on their vomits. Humans are social animals, cave people lived in extended family groups, and everyone had to cooperate or they were all at risk of dying of starvation, exposure, diseases and/or predators.
When WOMEN are afraid, we seek help. We ALL know we could be raped, beaten or humiliated by a random male, we keep together for protection against random males.
This is bad, for you, dolt; you are random male.
Honey, you are a clear case of Dunning-Kruger if you think WOMEN are dumb as rocks. More women than men get higher education, and more men than women don’t manage to get a degree from basic education.
Egalitarian laws protect best AFTER something has happened, and sure, they deter decent people from committing crimes. But humiliating someone is not a crime, and, last time I checked, this is men’s greatest fear, not women’s:
Men are afraid women will laugh at them.
Women are afraid that men will raped and kill them.
It only gives women some leverage to be almost equal to men, but as soon as we reach 30 percent of power and representation, whiny man-babies start bleating that “WOMEN ARE TAKING OVER EVERYTHING!”.
Men also have innate devious skills, and usually have more strength than the average woman. We still live in a patriarchy, sadly.