Romana Didulo #wingnut #god-complex #conspiracy #psycho

Romana Didulo: Hello Canada. I’m Romana Didulo. I’m the Founder and Leader of Canada First.

As of this year, February 2021, I am the Head of State and Commander in Chief of Canada The Republic.

0:20 In case you’re wondering who appointed me as the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Republic of Canada. The people who appointed me are the White Hats and the U.S. Military together with the Global Allied Troops and their Governments.

0:44 The same people who have helped President Trump.

0:50 The same group of people who have seized the assets of the Vatican Church.

0:58 The same group of people that have seized the assets of the fake Royal family of the U.K. installed by the Central Bankers 200+ years ago.

1:07 The same group of people who have seized the assets of the 13 family bloodlines.

1:18 The same group of people who have seized the assets of most, if not all, Royal families of Europe.

1:29 The same group of people who have removed the criminal governments across the world.
3:12 Romana Didulo cont.: Now I would like to address the vaccinations and injections happening across the Republic.

3:24 As far back as late February, early March of this year, right immediately I took my oath as the Head of State and Commander in Chief, I DECLARED CANADA A VACCINE FREE NATION.

3:42 Which means all of the vaccines and injections happening across the Republic is UNLAWFUL, CRIMINAL and a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.

4:00 And for those individuals and groups who many not know, know this: Inside the Republic the penalty for Crimes Against Humanity, Treason, Economic sabotage and Bio Terrorism is death.

4:35 Romana Didulo cont.: You will be tried for Crimes Against Humanity under The Nuremberg Code.
7:27 I urge you to consider very very carefully your options because should the time come when the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Republic of Canada, and that is I, must sign your execution papers for these crimes against the Republic—I will do so.



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