God if I see one more post like “I just don’t get why you’re so afraid of trans women in the bathroom…”
*deep breath* *screams*
ITS CAUSE THEY CAN RAPE US!!!!!!!! WE ARE AFRAID OF BEING RAPED!!!! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!THEY ARE MALE AND HAVE MALE GENITALIA AND WE ARE NOT SAFE WITH MEN IN WOMENS SPACES. I don’t care if josh from accounting is fine using the same bathroom as a trans man. Shove a trash can up your ass!
...but what about those who have had the necessary operations?
I guess you're just afraid of your... 'argument' being raped to death, OP.
Funny how that can be achieved by nothing : which is what said 'argument' actually is.
I literally do not. And you shove one up yours, you bigoted, tribal bitch. We’re all women who use those facilities, else will you make some fucking test about the maximum allowable length of a clitoris to be counted as a proper person to use the fucking bathroom or do you need the gov to do it for you?
I can only potentially rape you as much as any other woman could, and you seem to have no problem with other ones already there. Unlike you though, I’m there just to pee and perhaps do a number two at times. Funny thing, you’d never ever know it was me if I won’t tell you, because I’m one of those, who don’t “look” trans, am I good in your book or should I still use the men’s rooim and create a whole fucking big federal case each time I do, because I’m visibly female.
Trans women are women. Some have male genitalia, some don’t. Some trans-men have male genitalia, AND A MALE BRAIN, and you still, apparently, want THEM in women’s spaces. Or do you want Men’s, Women’s and Others’ bathrooms? Will YOU pay for the extra cost of the installment of the Others’ everywhere?
I’d guess that quite a few trans-women who “pass for men” (a horrible phrase, really) would rather use the men’s bathroom, than stand in the usually much, much longer queue to the women’s, and see the men, who came after them, come out of the bathroom long before they even reach the door to the women’s.
I have to wonder; how much time do these people spend in multi-stall public toilets? Most of the public bathrooms that I’ve visited have just one toilet for all genders. The ones with multi-stalls often have long queues, and who can RAPE anyone then?
So you’re fine with trans-men in public bathrooms?
Since trans-men are “women” in your eyes, let’s see one in the Ladies’ Room shall we?…
…Dunno about you, but following the dumb trans-bathroom laws you support doesn’t really reduce the potential “gee, this looks odd” factor one iota. The last person a gal in the Ladies Room would suspect to see is a big burly bearded guy in a cowboy hat.
Also; Genderless bathrooms are a thing but you’re against that too.
Intersex/Unisex/Androgynous/etc. whatever undermines Male Patriarchal Dominance…which is why you hate it.
Men like this…
…are your worst nightmare? GOOD!
Just cut to the chase; You don’t care about “the children” or rape or whatever…You just want trans-people to not exist in public and not be able to take bathroom breaks outside the home.
Oh the lady, if I may use the term loosely, doth protest too much, methinks. See, Fallopium, you would have shared toilets with many a transwoman...Oh WHAT, you mean you didn't know!
Yeah, it's like that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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