European colonization was actually a mistake we allowed stone age people with basic capabilities think they could maintain a European society with European technology.
we allowed stone age people with basic capabilities think they could maintain a European society with European technology
...and when presented with the Me-262, who thought it was a great idea to use it as a bomber rather than a fighter?!
Gloster Meteors were initially used against V-1s...!
European colonization was actually a mistake
Why is this…
we allowed stone age people with basic capabilities think they could maintain a European society with European technology.
… oh. That’s why.
They have, you’re an idiot and one of those non-Euro societies….one of them after being nuked a lot….are now the guys building AI robots and all your electronics.
Oh; A millennia ago, they were the world leaders in standards of living, learning and quality of life while you were like the grime-encrusted peasants in Monty Python and the Holy Grail .
[Granted; It turns out that….according to recent research….the so-called “Dark Ages” were actually relatively clean and Progressive while the so-called “Renaissance Period” was filthy and backwards. In fact most of out “Backwards Medieval Times” Tropes….the stuff with the filth and witch hunts….was with the Renaissance and Early-Colonial Periods. BUT MY POINT STILL STANDS!]
stone age people with basic capabilities think they could maintain a European society with European technology. You mean Trump voters?
Actually, the problem with colonisation was, for the First Nations people, that centuries ago, they had Stone Age weapons, while the Europeans had guns. That was the European technology then…and they only way the native people were backward, before modern education.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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