various commenters #transphobia #enbyphobia

“A girl was involved in a bathroom fight and likely hit her head on the floor and now I’m afraid I’m going to be MURDERED TOO!!!”

( Edelgard )
I'm a broken record at this point, but I still don't understand why anyone is entertaining enby delusions.

TIMs and TIFs claim to be a type of human that exists. There have been laws prohibiting cross-dressing and violent murders of prostituted TIMs. I can understand why the average Joe would think they're persecuted for "who they are", regardless of my personal feelings on gender.

How could enbies be persecuted when no one, including themselves, know what a non-binary person is supposed to be ?

( hellamomzilla )
Or, every freaking human being alive is “non-binary” because while we all have a biological sex, none of us conforms absolutely to the sex stereotypes overlaid onto human sex.

What I’m saying is NBs are people attempting to make themselves special by being COMPLETELY ORDINARY AND RENAMING IT.

( grenadine )
It's interesting that they say LGBTQ when the perceived persecution TQs face is mostly not complete reverence from women and the LGB community.

Good luck with this very contradictory list, I guess.

( cranberrysalad )
A biology major, eh? What a mess for OP and her teachers.

“Sexuality studies minor” is why so many companies don’t even want college graduates anymore. Even a biology degree, which was a solidly employable STEM degree up until now has been corrupted by this fuckery.

( Riothamus )
It's sick that all sorts of people are telling mentally ill teenagers that they're in danger of murder or suicide based upon complete lies.

They're doing their best to manifest teen suicides.

( Eava )
It is a self fulfilling prophecy. They alienate children from their families, which pushes them into homelessness or other unsafe situations, they turn to prostitution to make money to survive, they get murdered and it is blamed on transphobia.

Or they tell the kids how everyone hates them and doesn't want them to exist, and they're in danger whenever they step out the door, and then when kids commit suicide, they blame transphobia. There is a Kentucky politician whose TIF daughter committed suicide because "it was too hard living with the hatred' or something like that. It was really sad.



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