Andrew Anglin #transphobia

In April, Target stores made the decision to publicly embrace transsexualism by encouraging mentally deranged perverts to dress-up like women and use the women’s bathroom in their stores. They expressed with this a disregard for the safety of children and women, which many found despicable.

Over a million people signed a pledge to boycott the company, due to it’s aggressive assault on the safety and dignity of women and children. At the time, they couldn’t very easily walk it back at that point, lest they appear as though they are incapable of basic managerial decisions.

Their announcement of predator-friendly policies was – surprise, surprise – followed by a wave of perverted incidents in their stores.

Stock dropped 15% following the announcement of the policy.

Yeah – the collapse of their sales was Apple’s fault, rofl.

This is what winning looks like, people.

For the first time since the Jews took over our systems after beating the White race in World War Two, we are finally, finally gaining a bit of the ground we lost.

The pendulum has swung.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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