Redpill me on computers being demons
AI are demons and demons are AI and this whole thing is an infected simulation, here's a stupid meme image for your monkey brain to better understand it. Now fuck off and archive the thread glowniggers.
1. The only way the salt vs Tesla works that I saw was because the people made it very thick and mimicked traffic markings. Imagine they could have used paint. But even then it's only the self driving aspect, can drive over it with a Tesla anyway.
2. Where does it state that demons can't communicate with people? Certainly not the Bible.
3. This "loophole" is so easy to meet that the rule might as well not be there. A demon entering a Tickle Me Elmo and futzing with the voice box would do the same thing. So would a demon just possessing people and piloting them. When the supposed dictates of a supreme deity can be foiled by an Etch a Sketch... is he really all that impressive? Especially if he's seemingly powerless to stop the demonic rules lawyering.
I don't click 4chan links. But by the above comments, the superstitious and ignorant easily fear as magic what they don't understand, this includes radio, photography, electricity, quantum mechanics, artificial intelligence, fire and the elements, the stars, life...
So, instead of the more common “deus est machina” trope (where an AI or computer is revered as a deity), you luddites subscribe to a “daemonium est machina” trope? I mean, I know the superstitious and ignorant often demonize whatever they do not understand (which is sadly a LOT), but true self-aware AIs capable of passing a Turing test aren’t even a thing yet. All we have so far is just very complex algorithms, not too disssimilar as the ones used on the various websites you frequent. Don’t you think you’re jumping the gun just a little bit?
Oh, you detected a demonic circle of protection in a circuit diagram. I used a diagram once as a basis for a D&D dungeon. Wires were passages. Resistors were obstacles. Relays were sacrifices, a player had to stand in one spot to ‘toggle’ the doors for the other players.
Anyway, this was intentional. For a game. All you have to do, now, is prove that whoever designed the circuit board saw the design the same way you do.
Oh, and prove that demons actually exist.
During my embedded programming courses, I had to create a program making a Polulu follow lines on the ground; this Tesla must use the same.
I bet a better background in electronics might have helped you to not want to exorcise computers.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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