Question: Is it possible that North Sentinel Islanders are not homo sapiens?
Joshua Light: A perfectly racist question. The essence of racism is the belief in “races” - that people-groups are somehow in different stages of evolution than others and “not quite human”. Darwin believed the Australians to be of inferior breed.
Margaret Sanger believed “negros” to be of inferior breed and wanted them “bred out” of the human race entirely. She formed what is now known as Planned Parenthood. From the grave, she has been largely successful - over 30 million black babies - black voters - have had their vote suppressed in the most permanent way - by killing them in the womb. 30 million is 5 times more blacks than the total Jews killed by Hitler.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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