Zetatalk #ufo #moonbat #conspiracy zetatalk.com

The Zetas talk about cataclysmic changes described in a Zeta Vision given to Nancy; that a Sudden Impact is predictable but there is Millennium Denial in spite of Millennium Fever that the government will not Sound the Alarm; that the Earth stands witness to Past Cataclysms and Wandering Poles; how the Prior Shift during the Jewish Exodus and Passover relate; how flash froze Mastodons and Asteroid Traffic are proof. Why books by authors Velikovsky and Sitchin and many Prophets and Differing Prophecies and Future Maps seem to contradict; how there were Lost Records and Calendars and Clocks adjusted. The Zetas state that Emotional Adjustments to the news inevitably occur; that Resistance exists so that a Subtle Message is often best; that there will be Crop Failure for years going into the shift with Crop Adjustments and Diet Adjustments; that Threats of War and a Financial Freeze is possible, and a Market Crash will occur with a varied Crash Impact likely. The Zetas explain why the Mayan Calendar or a planetary alignment on May 5, 2000 are not clues, and why Precision is difficult in determining the Pole Shift Timeline; how New Orleans, a Preview and Disaster Movies portent. The Zetas say that in spite of Manifest Clues there will be diversionary False Alarms; and hiding the truth behind Cataclysm Masks even though Proof Existed many years before with Heralding of an approach with harbingers such as Green Meteors, Space Trash, a New Moon, Permafrost Quakes, Moon Halos, Black Water, a Lowered Jet Stream, and signs such as Deformed Frogs and Big Birds and increasing incidence of Deep Quakes. The Zetas talk about whether Atlantis and the Land of Mu exist; whether The Flood occurred and why Noah anticipated this; how Moses was guided; whether Tales such as the Red Sea Parting and Jonah and the whale describe Pole Shifts; why there are Submerged Roads near Bermuda; what Ancient Maps reveal; and what the Loch Ness Monster and the Yeti and Brainerd Lake have to do with Pole Shifts.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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