Arcy #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie #ufo

The Seven Degrees of Being Red Pilled

Zero-degree: Blind-trust in the mainstream media, government and the so-called "experts". Sheeple are at this degree.

1st-degree: Vaccines are NOT safe and effective.

2nd-degree: Big Pharma controls the Mainstream Media, politicians, academia and public health officials. Public Health officials LIE about the safety of vaccines and drugs.

3rd-degree: COVID is a depopulation agenda via the clot shots.

4th-degree: COVID is a hoax and one of the motives for the fake pandemic was to cover up imminent global financial collapse due to massive global debts and a derivatives Ponzi scheme.

5th-degree: Globalists (Illuminati/cabal/Satanists/Freemasons) control the modern world via the central banks. (Those who control the money supply control the world. The Illuminati create fiat currency out of "thin air" as debt, which is owed to them instead of allowing governments to issue debt-free currency on their own!) The Illuminati is comprised of a small group of elite "bloodline" families and their minions who number in the millions, which includes the WEF. The system is organized as a pyramid and the vast majority at the bottom are "useful idiots".
6th-degree: Many "conspiracy theories" (e.g. 911, JFK, PizzaGate, Franklin Cover-up, NASA/Fake Moon Landings, AIDS, chemtrails, etc.) are valid after all. Lots of official history and science (e.g. CO2 hysteria) are fraudulent.

7th-degree: Who is really at the top of the cabal? There are 3 options:

Lucifer leads the cabal. The Bible is real and we are in the End Times per Revelations. In this scenario, deaths via the clot shots are akin to satanic human sacrifice.
Non-human lifeforms (aliens, other-dimensional beings) influenced human history and perhaps even created us. They still control the cabal to this day.
Higher degrees may exist as well. But I'll never know unless I obtain the 7th degree.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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