Various commenters #homophobia
Nobody's saying homosexuality will be banned
Nobody's coming for your perverse ass sex
We're just saying maybe we should outlaw homosexuality punishable by death for 2 weeks until we can flatten this monkeypox curve.
Common sense degeneracy reform. That's all we're suggesting
@MrJoePrich I would go along with your proposal, but could add that any adult "adjacent" to a child who contracts monkeypox be drawn and quartered. The use of horses is very environmentally friendly so there is a little something for everyone in the addition.
@MrJoePrich I not only want it banned
I want them all gone
The WEF is coming to the aid of rump rangers by trying to deny that they're responsible for over 95% of the cases.
The LGBTQP Mafia need to stay away from our kids.
@MrJoePrich Two weeks to flatten the pervs
@ArtFelix @MrJoePrich bullet each to flatten the pervs... then its least for them...
@MrJoePrich Put it back in the closet and outlaw it again.
Stick to principles
Ban jews and solve virtually EVERY problem confronting the world today
@MrJoePrich perhaps we can fire people from their jobs if they refuse to give up gay butt sex. Isn’t that how we do it?
@MrJoePrich I support common sense sodomy control.
@MrJoePrich You'd think all these faggots that were obsessed with wearing masks would strap a goddamned jimmy
@MrJoePrich why cant we get a fagpox that actually kills people?
@MrJoePrich ......Then, Once You Flatten That Curve, Start Flattening The Queers Until They Get Back In That Closet And Stay There Where They Belong......Until They Go Straight To Hell.
@MrJoePrich 🔥Sodomy has consequences, enjoy the pain faggots 👍🏻😉
@MrJoePrich homo sex must be banned forever in order to end climate change