Tucker is RIGHT! White Supremacy is a ZioMedia Conspiracy Theory! The term is itself a lie. Millions of White activists are NOT "supremacists" We seek NOT to oppress or destroy any race! Human Rights for all - EVEN FOR WHITE PEOPLE! Stop antiWhite racism!
Stop antiWhite racism!
Ohh, puh puh puh, are we the victim now? Ohh, I feel sooo fucking sorry for you. Btw, I’m about as white as it gets, so I can speak for us paleface folks: fuck you.
AntiWhite racism in this context is having the temerity to let them uppity foreign vermin think that just because they were born and raised in the only country they have ever known and pledge allegiance to the same flag and guiding principles they have the same rights as the only true masters of the country, the white people who properly discovered and conquered it from the Natives. And then had the grace to "permit" the lesser labourers to build the personal fortunes of their betters, who are under no obligation to give charity like proper funding to infrastructure or education to the greedy little welfare queens on top of all the jobs they're stealing just because they pay the same taxes as everyone else.
Keep hiding under your sheets from the bogeyman if you want, the real monster's in the mirror and though you've got a man on the inside of your government sounding the horns for you cockroaches to crawl out into the daylight the good rational people of the world see you for what you are.
I honestly don't know what's more pathetic, if Duke and those like him think they're actually fooling anyone or if they've actually fooled themselves into believing the shit coming out of their mouths.
It’s racism against white people to not allow them to enforce institutional racism against everyone else, part too many to count.
Oh, hi there Dukey. When you finally kick the bucket from old age, hardly anyone will miss you.
Last I read, lil’ ol’ Tuck is going on vacation. In the middle of the week, after 2 big sponsors declined to buy any more ad time on both his farce of a show & his right wing propaganda machine network.
Go away, David. Everyone hates you, so just go back to cowering under your bedsheets & losing Twitter slap fights to Captain America.
The shooter in the Wal Mart showed otherwise.
Though to add, the shooter also managed to prove Alex85 (Chopurcockuv name) wrong. He kept getting triggered when right wingers were just as condemned. Well Chopurcockuv, it seems there's been more shootings and none of the culprits were Muslim. And your ilk were enablers. You fucking enabler.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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