BilalBeta #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger

and for society to reassert that we aren't ever to be entitled to teen love. I never saw the original show when it was on, however, recently one of my sisters who still lives at home discovered it and she got hooked on binge watching them on youtube. I happen to catch it with her and 99% of the time it is a fellow incel who is so depressed and beaten down by society. he has been rejected so many times and is so lonely. he isn't necessarily doing anything wrong he is just chatting. he is the one being groomed by these bigots in order to humiliate him for entertainment and to punish him for being born a sub 8 man. my mother got interested in watching these reruns with my sister and now they can't stop talking about predatory men and how they are so happy we live in the west where girls/women have rights so men like this are punished. i told them it is normal for men to like teenage girls and that back home teens get married all the time. they told me to shut up and that they can't believe i would promote child rape which i didn't do. they said they don't care where i got these backwards views but that feminism is spreading everywhere even back home and that nobody will get to have a teen girl soon. this is so hypocritical because my sisters had bfs in high school and they obviously had sex with them like all these teenage girls do. how many times do you know it is with a man over 18 but he doesn't get in trouble if he is a chad or tyrone? why is it so wrong for a man who missed out in high school to experience it later if a bitch that age is having sex anyway? why aren't we entitled to marry teenage virgins who will be obedient anymore? its because feminists want to genocide us and to ensure we never form a lifelong with a woman to pass on our genes. when i told them Muhamad who they claim to respect as a prophet had a child bride they said its different because it was a different time and that he was a feminist anyway and if he lived today he would be 100% like a western style feminist who would marry only one empowered woman into her late 20s or 30s only because we have longer lifespans! i can't handle this anymore. its not enough my other sister became an atheist and is impregnated by an atheist european chad without consequences. now my whore mother and other sister are making islam feminist and about punishing the average sub 8 man. women are like wild beasts and if you give them freedom they all become like this. it doesn't matter how religious they claim to be. if they aren't forced into submission from an early and married off we will continue to live in this society. they need to be tamed like a wild dog you pick up from the street or the shelter. i wish i could believe this will come to an end and we will reassert ourselves but this feminist cancer is spreading everywhere. even back home these women are increasing the marriage age, sexualizing everything but only for chaddam while punishing sub 8 men for existing, telling women to go to university and putting them in politics, pushing for separation of islam and state, etc. its so over.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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