1. Texas secedes
2. Other states follow
3. Federal government declares Civil War II under Bitch Biden
4. We crush demoKKKrat pussies. Won't take 4 years this time.
5. We carve off Maine and exile all demoKKKrats to that location and tell them to Fuck off or go join Canada.
6. We strictly enforce borders and protect our new MAGA union. We outlaw communism, make English the official language, make genital mutilation a felony, outlaw abortion and hang all abortionists and pedophiles and everyone involved in the 2020 election steal.
Aside from all the other lunacy, it is kinda funny he'd link the Democrats to the KKK, as if the violent, racist, WASP centric, Christian Nationalist group that is the KKK would be anything BUT a group he endorses. Hell, it was orginally made of veterans of the Civil War, and they are inextricably linked to it, through iconography and ideals.
If this idiot is a MAGA hat wearing, traitor flag flying sort, he's closer aligned to the KKK than a massive percentage of Democrats.
1. Attempt to make Texas secede
2. Texas state government thwarts attempt
3. Those who attempted to cause secession go to jail for treason
4. That’s it
..and then the OP woke up from it's drool-destroyed keyboard - now with the letters 'R,T,Y,U,F.G,H,J,V,B,N,M' in reverse on it's forehead - realised it was back in it's Biden-presided America: and it cried.
Seriously, MAGA is becoming far, far more dangerous than a bunch of online assholes, and law enforcement isn’t appropriately acting. More lefties and trans people need to be armed.
Why Maine? It’s a centrist state, and far too small to support the vast numbers of US liberals. Even putting them all into California and New York (after removing all of the conservatives) would still be a bit much.
But at least it’s not as bad as cramming the entire population of the world into Rhode Island. https://what-if.xkcd.com/8/
<@Why? > #75519
As per above. It may be bloody, it may be costly and it may be fucking dark but you fucking rabid shitheads WILL be obliterated at the end. In the end, much like your beloved Reich, you’re merely a duck rape gang equivalent, it’s just a question of magnitudes applied.
@Skide #75557
Democracy will prevail. The organization of freedom-minded humans always does. Even if they kill half the country, they will not win. Their ideology is incapable of victory. The existentially concerning thing, to me, is the damage that they might do to the environment in the process.
@Malingspann #75525
More like:
1. Texas threatens to secede.
2. Texas then needs something urgent from the federal government.
3. All talk of secession is magically forgotten until the next time they’re mad.
That’s usually how it goes.
1. Texas secedes.
2. Hurricane hits.
3. Texas demands federal aid...gets told 'whoopsies.'
1. Texas secedes.
2. Texas border increases by about 250% while federal money for border patrol drops 100%.
3. Armed volunteers flock to the borders to keep Texas safe. Shoot insurgents, drug runners, playing children, sheep, cattle, each other, slow moving trucks, each other again, Rangers....
1. Texas secedes.
2. Every military base closes, military servicemen/families transfer to someplace within the remaining 49 states.
3. Every dollar spent by servicemen and families stops supporting base-adjacent fast food, bars, strip clubs, supermarkets, car dealerships, used car dealerships, etc. etc. etc.
1. Texas secedes.
2. Federal funding for highways and freeways dries up.
3. Speed limit set to 100mph, road maintenance set to 35%, insurance rates rise accordingly.
@ShyKiller #75745
Barf. Just read about Hoppe, that guy pretty much combines every anti-thesis to things I believe in into one person. Anarcho-capitalist, right-wing “conservative” and libertarian, homophobe and a freaking MONARCHIST to boot. I can’t take anyone’s definition of liberty seriously when they make statements like “the monarchy can preserve individual liberty more effectively than democracy”. Well unless he means the individual liberty of a single guy of course.
And sure MAGA guys, THIS TIME you will succeed were you didn’t in a time were the southern states had much more leverage and a less mixed population. Would love to see them trying to secede in Texas only to realize that the most concentrated population centers are mostly democratic. They’d probably have a civil war at their hands before they have the civil war they actually wanted! And I bet the cities are not as easily overtaken as they believe, leaving the Biden government much time to crush this little insurrection. I don’t hope for it for it because of the meaningless and stupid loss of life, but these people seriously are deluded in a way that’s not even fun anymore.
@ShyKiller #75745
I once red their partyprogram I think that was really enough. The best thing to come out of this whole afd stupidity is that we have a new case study that racism and racism doesn’t work.
I laughed really hard when petry the day after she was voted quit the party. I mean they always talk about patriotism and traitors but surprisingly the „traitors“ are dime a dozen with them
Except: isn't the first state who attempts to secede the one officially declaring conflict? No relation between Democrats and KKK or Communism, false premise. Actual genital mutilation is not legal, you're lying about other things trying to pretend that it's mutilation. Your imaginary pedophiles only deny yours. Finally, the election was simply lost and you fell in the treasonous Big Lie bullshit.
But indeed, it's known that your small neo-nazi MAGA cabal is bloodthirsty. And as you said, you're the anti-government extremist.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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