various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia

( @Nature_and_Race )
Disgust of homos and trannies isn't just a Christian thing.

Ancient Pagan/Heathen Germans were reported to have pressed homosexuals into bogs with wicker hurdles, while they were still alive, because the act of faggotry earned capital punishment.

Claims to be a Pagan, yet is just another historically illiterate, Judeo-Christianity addled retard. Just put the gay little dead kike on a stick around your neck already, you Spiritual Jew.

( @Jb100 )
@Nature_and_Race Being called "gay" was the biggest insult to our Norse/Germanic/Anglo-Saxon pagan ancestors. Homos didn't last long back then.

( @John_Knox )
@Nature_and_Race even sub saharan africans have always hated faggotry.

( @Nicholas_Scholl )

The Greeks seemed to not have shared those same sentiments though.

According to the stories about Hercules I read.

( @CrimePays1985 )
@Nicholas_Scholl @Nature_and_Race Yea they gave a whole new meaning to sword carrier

( @Woodzun )
@Nicholas_Scholl @CrimePays1985 @Nature_and_Race

They really weren’t. I’m not giving the sources because I don’t have them at hand, but the Greeks were not fond of faggots in the slightest. Most of this “Greeks were fags” shit comes from a book written by a jew.

( @Woodzun )
@CrimePays1985 @Nicholas_Scholl @Nature_and_Race

The ancient Greeks were not open flamboyant faggots no matter how much every Marxist/kike wants them to be. Greek men would have been ostracized for faggot behavior. Especially as a submissive.

Only 600 out of 80,000 pieces of art depict homosexual behavior, with many being debatable.

There are no known sexual depictions between adult men and young boys, despite the fact that retards say that the Greeks were pedophiles. Which is actually the claim by a jew that I was referring to.

Ancient Greece was a hyper-masculine society, this notion of it being some bastion of homosexual tolerance is not grounded in any historical reality.

( @Chromedomedestro )
@Nature_and_Race And it should still earn it today. Forever.



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