MJTruthUltra/John Ferguson #wingnut #crackpot #conspiracy twitter.com

The CEO of Saxon Remote Systems believes a Dirty Nuclear Bomb from Ukraine may be on US Soil - and the Drones may be Sniffing for Radioactive Activity

John Ferguson says he spoke to a High Government Official a few months ago who was trying to raise the alarm on a Nuclear Warhead that he physically put his hands on that was left over from Ukraine. It left Europe and now it’s gone missing.

He felt that it would eventually make its way to the United States for the purpose of getting us into war with Russia


What he’s describing should sound familiar to every single anon.

• U1
• Russia Russia Russia
• The film, The Sum of all Fears, where a dirty Nuke was detonated in Baltimore MD to get the US into a war with Russia,

This is the best theory I’ve heard so far. Regardless if this is a real threat or not, or that is what these drones are actually doing, we should consider the possibility.

We don’t know much.. and I believe the deep state is desperate enough to do something this stupid.

But in the end, God did not give us the spirit of fear.. so try not to worry too much about things outside of our control.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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