various commenters #interphobia

RE: Swyer Syndrome

( Radical )
Just because they initially thought they were female before puberty doesn't mean it's fair for them to compete with women. The fact that they're biologically male should take priority in sports, for both safety reasons and dignity.

Although I will say demanding to compete with women, after finding out that you're overwhelmingly likely to severely injure or kill them, is extremely male-coded. A very typical example of male entitlement. You can't really get much more male than that.

( DonnaFemina )
Semenya has 5-alpha reductase deficiency, in which males (XY chromosomes) are born with apparently female genitals but at puberty their balls drop and they grow a dick. It's extremely rare, with a few clusters worldwide. The one in the Dominican Republic calls it guevedoces (dick/balls at 12).

Swyer Syndrome is a completely different DSD. It makes genetic males develop into, essentially, sterile females.

Khelif does NOT have Swyer Syndrome. If he did, he would have looked female from birth and he'd look indistinguishable from a woman right now.

( Lilith-Fair )
Semenya fathered to kids. No woman in the world can inseminate another woman.

( DonnaFemina )
"Semenya fathered to kids. No woman in the world can inseminate another woman."

You will get no argument from me that Semenya is male. XY 5-ARD is a male DSD.

( CompassionateGoddess )
If there is a Y chromosome, that person is a male no matter what. It doesn’t matter what he looks like, it doesn’t matter how he was raised, it doesn’t matter if his feelings are hurt. He is a male. He is not one of us. He will never be female. He should stay out of female spaces and sports. He shouldn’t steal opportunities and resources from females. He is a male who has a difference/disorder of sexual development.

( TheTortureCouch )
People with Swyer Syndrome are female. They don't produce gametes (what primarily determines sex) but their reproductive structure is female.

( VirginiaWolfberry )
Only males can have Swyer’s. These people are male (and by the way, the cheating boxer clearly does not have Swyer’s). Biologically, those with this syndrome are male regardless of their phenotype.



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