Andrew Anglin #transphobia

Being 50 or whatever and being tricked into turning your son into a tranny is confusing to me. It seems that at that age, you probably should have figured out your views on these things.

People often change their views during their 20s, but any major changes in a worldview after the age of 30 is very strange.

Further, Musk is supposed to be some kind of Tony Stark genius, so how is it so easy to trick him?

That having been said, he likely is legitimately mad about this situation. I don’t know how any human could not be mad about it.

Saying “my son is dead” is pretty hardcore. At least for him.

I am certain some of you are dealing with the situation of a divorced wife turning your son into a tranny, and you really have to take this position of “he’s dead” and just write him off. There is nothing else you can do. You don’t have the ability to stop it. If you tried to stop it, the government would send men with guns to kill you or lock you in a cage. And even then, you wouldn’t stop it, you would just be dead or in prison and your son would still be a tranny.

But listen: do not try to have a relationship with a tranny child. It’s not going to help anything – it is only going to break your heart further. You can have more sons. You can’t save a tranny son.



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