various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
This is a dumb argument.

Participation in the system means you approve of said system.

I don't approve of this anti-White theater, so I refuse to participate in it.

@PiratesNFlowers no vote then no bitching.




( @DouglasBelmore )
You're phony controlled opposition!

( @RamboBear )
@DouglasBelmore @Nature_and_Race you seen the demographic breakdown of the election? No amount of "muh based Cubans in Miami" is ever going to rewrite reality. White decline is death of the Republic.

( @grizzlywhisker )
@Nature_and_Race yeah I feel like the less people participating and perpetuating this system, the better. Like if nobody showed up to vote and nobody paid taxes, we’d be in a better position.

( @nibblets509 )
@Nature_and_Race They all hate me because I’m white so none of them get my vote

( @SocalRight )
@Nature_and_Race All the candidates have signed their "Pledge to Israel" and are compromised assets. For this they receive funding to advertise and the blessing of jews required for their advertising to air on jew controlled media.

( @MCharlton )
@Nature_and_Race If non-participation means 40 million new brown people colonizing the interior of the United States, I’m participating. Owe it to future White kids whose lives will bear the brunt of inaction, brown majorities and White genocide.

( @IllinoisValleyMale )
@MCharlton @Nature_and_Race So when Bush and Trump were in office they ended the migration problem?

Its a 2 party system, 2 wolves and a sheep voting what's for dinner, and buddy you are a fucking sheep

( @MCharlton )
@IllinoisValleyMale 2 million brown people or 40 million brown people. This isn’t hard. Not voting gets us 40 million brown people with a deliberate policy re-settling tens of millions of nonwhites in the interior of the United States for the purposes of White genocide.

The Jews who trick people into not voting have pulled a masterful psyop because “your grandchildren gonna be brown.”



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