Gymcelled #pratt #psycho #racist #sexist

Blackpill 11 year old boy (tallfag) impregnates his live-in nanny - Media doesnt call it rape or pedophilia

Double blackpill here.

First off he was taller than the adult female at 11 jfl, how hard must he have mogged other boys at his age?

And of course the media is super soft on this, they dont call it rape or pedophilia, great double standards

Check 0:30, look at how tall he is and how she's admiring him
and jfl, ogress with a NW2 hairline what the fuck

Just be a normie athletic white boy and you're set for life. Lol at the 15 year old white"cels" of this forum

Most youngcels will ascend or shouldn't be here, they should be trying their hardest to make it
But there's a huge difference between normie face and let's say Eggy face

She was charged with sexual battery and got sentenced to 20 years in prison. Wdym media doesn't call it rape or pedophilia?

They're soft as fuck in the video, even just the title lmao. Wouldn't be like that if the genders were reversed



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