I know it’s fruitless, but let’s break it down a bit:
First of all, there are some studies who allege that mRNA from vaccines can be reverse-transcripted into the genome again (method unclear, but could be error-prone reverse transcriptase from viruses or potentially retrotransposons). This is a very random process that (even if true) has pretty much no effect on the person it’s happening to. At worst it is yet another particle of viral origin which clutters our genomes (they are absolutely filled with those), and for that it would have to happen in the germline cells, otherwise it wouldn’t even be inherited by the next generation. Not to mention that we are constantly bombarded with foreign mRNA, specifically from viruses (and if they are active, our own inherited retrotransposons), not to mention our own mRNA, which in theory can also be reverse transcripted to a foreign part of our genome under unlucky circumstances, so that’s not even something unique to the vaccines.
Secondly, there are no genes which uniquely make us “Asian”, “Black”, “White” or what have you, that’s racist pseudoscience at its worst. In fact, there are (and I am not tired of repeating that yet again) no alleles that are unique for any such groups. The differences between them are miniscule.
And thirdly, how the hell would an mRNA coding for part of a viral protein induce these imagined changes in “race”? That’s multiple steps too far even if you accepted all the previous statements I looked at now. If the vaccine contains DNA you wouldn’t even have to worry, because there is no method for random foreign DNA to be directly integrated into our genomes. And I am pretty sure that whole “vaccines contains DNA of babies” thing is crap anyway.
And lastly: Even if (and I am leaving the boundaries of reality for this one), even if this was actually true and somehow this changes a baby’s genome in such a way that it gets traits that make it look like another ethnic group, so fucking what? Not everyone is so disgustingly focused on racial purity as you, Tucker. Better having a healthy “asian” kid, then having none due to dying of preventable diseases I would say.
So in short: Fuck off Tucker, glad you are losing your unearned public attention.