Frank Jones #racist

RE: African Community Targeted in China Virus Crackdown

China needs diversity. I think Somalians will enjoy the climate and the cuisine more than what exists in Minnesota and Maine. They are all "People of Color" so should have an instant and deep connection. Let's make it happen.

Well short of sending planes flying over China and parachute dropping them or firing them ballistically into China from a big cannon; I don't see how it can be done. The Chinese clearly don't want them and don't have need for them. I don't think China is about to buy in to the "Diversity [with low IQ Blacks] is Our Greatest Strength" mantra either.

We didn't "buy in" either. Were the Chinese looking for a communist system? I would say no, however, these ideologies, and diversity is our social ideology as strong as the ideology in any communist system, are imposed from the top. We just haven't done enough to resist the plans of the elites.

Ship the Hondurans, Mexicans, Brazilians and Venezuelans there while we are at it.

Well it's all trade, right? You send millions of useless masks, we send millions of useless blacks and Latins.



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