Saint Germain via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #ufo #mammon

I know that all of you have been patiently waiting to be saturated by wealth. Human beings desperately need funds to end all of the misery on Mother Gaia. There is enough money here on this planet to remove all of the hunger and poverty in every country, but it was stolen from humanity, which you are aware of now.

I am working with other beings on the removal of all the corrupted members from Alliance in order to be able redistribute the wealth in a safe and smooth manner without any interruptions. Also, I will be selecting myself on who is going to be helping me with this task. Only the very trusted and pure souls will be part of this process, which is very important and at same time very delicate on how to distribute the funds without creating a huge chaos on your planet.

As you see, I have been very busy with this mission on Earth, and I am very happy that the prosperity is going help everyone live a better life, and it’s going to end all of the pain and suffering here. The Quantum Financial System can’t be hacked or be compromised, as you already heard numerous times about it. Everything is being prepared, so we can start changing this old corrupted reality for a new one, which will be blissful and a happy one in your world.
The extreme weather in Texas and in other states was created by the Dark Forces in order to disrupt the Process of Freedom for the Human Civilization. The Texas state will play an important role in the future for humanity.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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