The Emerald Green Dragon Tribe via Caroline Oceana Ryan #magick #ufo #conspiracy

What role do Dragons play in our and Earth’s Ascension process? And in what dimensions do they reside?​

The Emerald Green Dragon Tribe answers:

We can say, we would not be here so powerfully at this time on Earth’s current timeline, if Earth and humanity had not long ago called us forth!

In truth, we have never left.

Yet the increasing vibration of Earth and millions of Her people now, have made possible a more conscious collaboration between humanity and various races of higher vibrational beings.

We are one such race, invited to be a part of this great moment of Transformation.
You are aware that there are varying levels of “reality” in Earth life.

This includes higher dimensional forms of what you see around you right now.

In some ways, due to the power of the quantum field, at any one time there are numerous timelines, offering many variations of your own life, and of your planet, solar system, galaxy, and Universe.
As mentioned earlier, there are those of us who long ago fell into low vibration.

And these ones have indeed been violent toward Earth and humanity. Yet be aware that even these ones serve some greater purpose, though they do not know it!

If you see or hear of a dragon lighting up a hillside, building, electrical tower, or something else with their fire, purely for the sake of destruction, we assure you—they do not serve the Light!
You are beginning to realize that you can understand what a baby or someone speaking a foreign language is saying, by using your intuitive understanding of their intention, and the energetic transmission behind the sounds.

You are beginning to recall what it is to hear very high vibrational tonal frequencies.

You will hear them at times, even now, as a high-pitched ringing in one ear.You are becoming more sensitive and aware of these energetic downloads.

And you are remembering how to use tonal frequencies to shift the energy of any place or situation you are in.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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