Fed Up #crackpot #elitist #racist #wingnut amren.com
RE: Adam Smith Business School Postpone Seminar by “Eugenicist”
The talk that was scheduled to be to be delivered was titled: “For Whom the Bell Curve Tolls: A lineage of 400,000 individuals 1750-2020 shows genetics determines most social outcomes”. In his book, he argues that socio-economic status is genetically inherited through the “genetic transmission of … some mysterious mix of drive and ability”. He also theorised that “200 years from now the descendants of enslaved African-Americans will still be underrepresented”.
Oh, my God! The very idea - of someone blaming the obvious (genetics) on why blacks are so predisposed to failure and crime.
So, genetics determine that whites are doomed to extinction in any territory that become multiracial? It’s genetics that eliminated white all throughout Africa, the Subcontinent, Asia, Oceaniana, Central America and the Caribbean?
What will eliminate Whites is the combination of interracial mixing and recessive genetics.
I'm SO confused. We are expected to believe "the Science" re: WuFlu but, we are supposed to ignore the science of biology.
Or any scientific research which provides a realistic explanation of why black Africans and their descendants are always the lowest racial group to be found on our planet.
Class is genetic. The raw, brutal truth of this fact is too much for little soft socialist brains to handle.
No doubt, the liberals and their black protegees will be running home to their mothers, and have themselves a good cry.