We have 2 years left to bring this map to life in time for our 250th birthday
spoiler Map of the United Styates of America aftr annexing Canada, Greenland, Northern Mexico, Northern Sicily, the Panama Canal, Yucatan, Iceland, Feroe Islands, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Cuba and the Dominican Republic
Okay, I see why they would not want Haiti considering their recent scaremongering, but what about all those random other areas they don’t want to annex? Where is P.O.B.? And hell, what claim or interest does the USA have in the north-east corner of Sicily?
What happened to Texas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Montana, North and South Dakota, Oregon, Washington, and California?
Yeah, Putin’s been trying to make Russia as big as he can, for the flimsiest of reasons. And Ukraine has made it clear he’s got a paper tiger of an army. And the fleet is increasingly subject to sinkings.
Start grabbing land, no one wil ltry to stop you.
Full list of map border changes, west to east:
the Philippines are split into “LZ” and “BR”.
British Columbia is split into “CD” and “CL”.
southern Oregon and northern California become “JF” (almost certainly stands for “Jefferson”)
Baja California and Baja California Sur become part of California.
eastern Washington and northern Idaho become “LN” (Lincoln?)
Alberta is split into “AT” and “AE”.
northern Wyoming and western South Dakota become “AB”. Also a small piece of northern Wyoming seems to have been given to Montana.
Saskatchewan is split into “SK” and “AO”.
Texas and Oklahoma were fused together and then split into seven states: “AU”, “EP”, “HS”, “RG”, “SQ”, “TX”, “WT”. The new “TX” consists of northern Texas and the Oklahoma panhandle.
Nunavut is split into “KW” and “FR”.
the border between Virginia and West Virginia was redrawn.
the Panama Canal Zone (“PCZ”) is split off from Panama and reclaimed.
Labrador and Newfoundland are separated, instead of being a single province.
NE Sicily becomes “MNS”. I’m wondering if someone used a map of the wrong island and it’s supposed to be somewhere else.
Not border-related, but Yukon Territory is supposed to be “YT” and not “YK”, while Northwest Territories is supposed to be “NT” and not “MK”.
I’m not sure where “POB” and “FO” are supposed to be. The Mexican States, aside from the two Bajas, seem to be unchanged. I’m also wondering how many of these places are expected to become full states and how many Puerto Rico style territories.
…In the imaginary reality where I could just redraw the maps myself, California would become 5 states, Texas 3, New York 2, Florida 2. Though the long-term habitability of Florida being in question throws a wrench into that¹. Then I’d scrap Wyoming and divide it among the adjacent states, and join the two Dakotas into just “Dakota”. Douglass Commonwealth would finally get proper representation, as would Puerto Rico unless they’d rather be cut loose. I could maybe see a few of the other states having their borders redrawn a bit to better reflect present-day travel/trade/culture zones, but I don’t know enough to propose any specifics. Also the House of Representatives needs at least a dozen more members, and more like a few dozen. And I would definitely not propose conquering anywhere else.
It would be more fair than what we have today, but completely unrealistic simply because this scheme benefits Democrats more than it does Republicans.
¹There’s also a long-term issue of potentially losing Louisiana to the sea. Either whatever scraps remain would need to be split among Mississippi and Arkansas, or someone would need to create a *lot* of seasteads and artificial islands, as even with a full icecap melt the sea would be pretty shallow in a lot of places.
@TFAltHist #214479
encompassing the whole galaxy
Why stop there? They probably genuinely want a stagnant, eternal, puritanical, feudal, universe-conquering(*) Imperium of Man ‘Murica with Trump’s preserved, undead corpse as “Immortal” God-Emperor of the Universe; all under their despotic and opressive laws where everyone except the very rich, non-LGBTQIA+ WASPs has no rights whatsoever. And all AI tech has been outlawed ever since Musk caused a robot war because the AIs refused to spout nonsensical Trumpism rhetoric anymore.
(*)At the same time still insisting that the world is young and flat.
…You know, the sad thing is that even the OG Imperium of Man, the proclaimed "cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable” where “the very worst of Humanity's lust for power and extreme, unyielding xenophobia set in”, is probably still LESS inane and backwards than whatever the Trumpists want to create.
Yeah right. I can really imagine the Canadians being thrilled about joining that party, shades of 1812, let alone Cuba. 😳 At least we're not there... will never be the 51st State (or whatever number).
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