various commenters #transphobia

RE: WaPo article on "rise of LGBTQ+ hate" really pushing the limits
(submitters note: this article )

( hmimperialtortie )
The QT are the ones who hate LGB people. They’re the ones doing conversion therapy. They’re the ones leeching from legitimate civil rights movements while doing their best to destroy them. They’re the ones pushing rape and paedophilia as their rights. Fuck yeah I hate them.

( RisingUp )

Since coming out [as a TIM], she said, she has already lost a job teaching swim lessons.

Oh boy. I bet there’s a story there.

( BondiBlue )
Oh that's right, there's also a TIM featured in this piece complaining about not "passing," in addition to the indigo children and the sex clown. No shit, you can't force the rest of the world to have eyesight de-assignment surgery.

Dear TQs and the rest of the parasitic alphabet: If you really want to talk pronouns, maybe the fact that you are so unlikable is "a you problem and not a me problem."

( Hollyhock )
For someone to fire a TiM, it has to be really, really bad. Everyone either tiptoes around them, praises them to high heaven or actively avoids them.

( vulvapeople )
I wonder if there’s some measure of sex-segregation going on, similar to the Port Townsend Y. And like the TIM in that incident, this one undoubtedly would want to be present while young girls changed into their swimsuits.

( hard_headed_woman )
Ugh. Teaching swimming often involves little children clinging to the teacher's body. It's just the way it is, and why I wanted women swim teachers for my kids decades ago. Now, I'm even more careful with my grandkids.

( sarstan )
Cisneros is literally just some random guy who likes glitter.

( BondiBlue )
I can't believe society has turned itself inside out and rewritten the language of objective reality just to appease scene kids.

( madderthanhell )
Scene kids like these are just a smokescreen for the re-writing of material reality, not the reason for it.

( Hollyhock )
My kids say the gender men tend to have poor hygiene...a good hair washing would be in order.

( RighteousIndignation )
well of course theres a rise in QWERTY+ hate, things do tend to go up when you keep adding more letters of the alphabet to the list.

( Omina_Sentenziosa )
And when your basic level of obnoxiousness rises exponentially.



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