CEOMike #fundie #homophobia

Homosexually is not about sex, it is about another religion, a metaphysical religion. Homosexuality is only an outcome of humanism, love of other humans as god, self as God. So Maxon should be disqualified because she is NOT a Christian. We need to wake up, these things keep happening and homosexuality and "gender" are taking over because we are confused about what it means to be a disciple of Christ.

It is NOT being a good person, it is not being "nice" and not causing conflict. It is about being like Christ whose only mission was to bring good news, the gospel to a sinning world. For his troubles he got crucified, because he called out the religious authorities, called out the "church" going mob as hypocrites and ignoramuses (remember they tried to throw Him off a cliff)

You can not be a Christian and a homosexual no more than you can be a Buddhist and a Christian. Our educators need to wake up and return to discipleship and stop proof texting for their ignorance.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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