various commenters #transphobia

( MidnightMoon )
TIM destroys his family
In a magazine I was reading urgh this guy destroyed his whole family for this Trans nonsense.

( Hermione )
This is why the spousal veto is so needed. No woman should have to fund this shit and no children should go with a penny less devoted to raising them for it.

I know in the UK some nitwit has proposed making refusing to fund one’s spouse’s transition be counted as “abuse”. FFS.

( GCRadFem )
The most horrifying thing to me about all of the TIMS is how they have changed laws, medicine, academia and the entirety of the internet that men that are literally simply cross-dressing transvestites (redundant, probably) have ensured that society as a whole now treat them as women when it is a fetish and paraphilia.

( Spencer_Shayy )
Male privilege in action.

( RawSienna )
There need to be legal protections for women and kids against these monstrous assholes.

( Spencer_Shayy )
There won't be, because the women and children these men abuse are "bigots" and the violent, misogynistic, manipulative, abusive men are "poor victims" who "struggle" with their "gender identity". "Transwomen" are the worst fucking subset of men.

( LesbianLioness )
seems like he's doing it in the most devastating way possible for his family as well, like he's trying to punish his ex-wife for getting in the way of his fetish

( hufflepuff_queen )
I got the vibe that he was trying to punish her, too.

( TheKnitta )
Jealousy seems to drive a lot of AGPs.

( Vasilisa )
It’s interesting that his parents said he had a cross-dressing tendency since he was a child. Very early evidence of AGP, I presume. I hope this woman’s son doesn’t inherit that. I forget where I read that there is a strong genetic component in sexual fetishes.

( Spencer_Shayy )
I don't believe that claim at all. "Trans" people are notorious for lying about their childhoods and personal histories to prop up their creepy made-up "gender identity", you know, in addition to lying about who and what they are.



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