Ben Garrison #conspiracy #wingnut

(Two anthropomorphic donkeys in blue suits are sweeping a dusk cloud with the words “Ashli Babbit Murder” under a rug.)

Cartoon published 01/06/2025

We at GrrrGraphics can’t let the anniversary of the January 6 Capitol protest go by without an acknowledgment, so here is a belated cartoon.

We MAGA-minded were outraged when Joe Biden magically received 81 million votes—many coming in the dead of night—and thus claiming victory even though Trump had led throughout the evening. Biden received far more votes than Obama and in fact, far more than any other presidential candidate in history. This despite his resounding unpopularity. Biden was way behind in many of the primaries until Obama made the decision that Biden would get the nomination and that was that—it was all rigged for Joe subsequently. He didn’t even have to run—he mostly stayed in his basement.

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So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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