THE MASTER CHRISTOS--ESU IMMANUEL 'JESUS' SANANDA via Patrick Bellringer via Anne Bellringer #crackpot #ufo #fundie #magick #wingnut #conspiracy

My warmest and most loving greeting to all souls and to my Flock. I do have a message for all of you, and I want you to heed my words. As you known we of the Lighted Realms know it all. We know what the Dark Side minions are planning down to the enth degree. How many times we have had to protect you Lightworkers is unbelievable, for they would and still are trying to eliminate you from Earth.
Now I hear again that word “when?”

Here is the situation. We of the Lighted Realms are strict about obeying the Cosmic Law of Non-Intervention. You have been given clues, and you have done well to interpret the meaning of the particulars and know what you must do to keep the Dark Ones at Bay. If you were to be beamed to come home at this very second, who is going to stop the evil ones? They do not want to leave this planet, and they have plans for their “survival” to keep going on and on despite the rising of the frequencies.

Where? Underground. They have extensive supplies and food and the most of everything, and are planning on going underground when the cataclysms start. They have every means of comfort to survive. Here is something they have done, and they have used this plan many times concerning food. Did you know when they have re-called any food it is a trick? That recalled food goes directly underground to their “hideouts” for THEM. The stash they have would keep them alive for years!
The Dark Minions have plans. If you we to be beamed home right now, your help to Mother Earth would cease, because in the Lighted Realms we need 3D people to help, and if all the Lightworkers were home, Mother Earth would be alone. It will not belong before she graduates, so you all are needed yet until that time comes when she turns.

I know that some of you ones are living each day at times in fear and agony, putting up with the spouse that is not on the same page. You have all the help Heaven allows, and you are never given another more than you can bare.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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