oenz #sexist #psycho blackpill.club

Grape is Not Punishment.

Some Cucks may say grape is Traumatizing for the female. No. Its Traumatizing for her over socialized brainwashed rock of a brain.
But While she gets graped she releases Tons of Dopamine and other Chemicals she enjoys while doing BDSM with Chad. But then After she gets graped she Virtue signals to all her friends and gets so much attention she is addicted to.

grape is a Prize for Females.

A Proper way to Make females feel pain is by Cutting off their clit in a Dungeon. And shoving a Rat Up Her Vagina and then Ejaculating all over her body and Then Cut off her Fingers she uses to text but Keep the Thumb so She Can eat the Slop you Serve her in the Dungeon.

And Knife a Symbol on to her Ass to symbolize she is a Worthless Being.



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