Ambrose Kane #wingnut

RE: Is It Time for Secession?

YES, we desperately need a secession. How much more obvious does it have to be that multicultural societies don't work and produce nothing but conflict? We need an amicable divorce. Unfortunately, we all know that the Left would never allow it under peaceful terms. They have a long history of murdering those who socially and politically differ from them.

Also, Leftists are determined to destroy this country and themselves. They're too stupid for their own good, and we cannot afford to follow their lead. We must separate from them as well, or at least that's what any sane secessionist movement would do when seeking to establish a new nation.

How this sort of thing would work out in practice is anyone's guess. I admit it's easier said than done, and I doubt any new nation that emerged from a secessionist movement would not make a host of mistakes at first. Still, I think it's the right direction that we should pursue.

Time will tell.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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