BlackCirce #transphobia

He is a man
He is a man.

But what if he says he’s a woman?
He is a man.

But what if he says he’ll kill himself?
He is a man.

But what if he says his pronouns are she/her? Or she/they? Or they/them? He is a man.

But what if he has a female name?
He is a man.

But what if he had his documents changed?
He is a man.

But what if he liked Barbie and sparkles and mermaids as a child?
He is a man.

But what if he has feminine mannerisms?
He is a man.

But what if he hates his penis?
He is a man.

But what if his circumcision was botched?
He is a man.

But what if he’s in danger in the men’s room?
He is a man.

But what if he takes estrogen?
He is a man.

But what if he has breasts?
He is a man.

But what if he had facial feminization surgery?
He is a man.

But what if he took puberty blockers? He is a man.

But what if he’s taking testosterone blockers and lowered his levels to an “acceptable range”?
He is a man.

But what if he had a false vagina created out of his genital and intestinal tissue?
He is a man.

But what if his testicles are undescended?
He is a man.

But what if he dieted himself down to BMI 19?
He is a man.

But what if he used coke and meth to get that down to BMI 16?
He is a man.

But what if lots and lots of people are fooled by his disguise and call him ma’am?
He is a man.

But what if he’s just too effeminate to attract the kind of men he wants to have sex with?
He is a man.

But what if lots of women accept him as a woman?
He is a man.

But what if he loves thinking of himself as a woman?
He is a man.

But what if the leading sexologists say he is a woman?
He is a man.

But what if he admits he’s male and only identifies as a woman socially? He is a man.

But what if he’s not hurting anyone?
He is a man.

But what if he threatens to punch, stab, shoot, hang or rape you?
He is a man.

He is a man. 💁🏾‍♀️💁🏻‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️💁🏿‍♀️



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