Serious I Will be Participating to 2021's Pride Month
My contribution will be:
- Sending pictures of happy sons with their fathers to fags
- Send islamic beheading to fags and trannies
- Posting pictures of actual teenage girls to tranny sub reddits to make them feel like shit and trigger their dysphoria
2021 is techno-hormonal terrorism year
- Sending pictures of happy sons with their fathers to fags
- Send islamic beheading to fags and trannies
- Posting pictures of actual teenage girls to tranny sub reddits to make them feel like shit and trigger their dysphoria
You forgot the fourth one…
- Getting banned A.S.A.P. once I attempt the first three.
Also; A gay man will just see a happy, loving, father - son photo and go “That’s nice” or “Meh”. How this would be as offensive as the other dumb schemes is anyone’s guess.
Every time I see the word “fag / faggot” I just envision stuff involving British cigarettes or British meatballs.
“- Sending pictures of happy sons with their fathers to fags”
Sending random pictures of random people to other random people. Much gain.
“- Send islamic beheading to fags and trannies”
Get prosecuted like a degenerate he is for showing people his illegal snuff porn collection.
“- Posting pictures of actual teenage girls to tranny sub reddits to make them feel like shit and trigger their dysphoria “
Yes, I’m sure you will “triggur” SO many people. Just please make sure it’s not your porn you’re posting again.
“2021 is techno-hormonal terrorism year”
THIS is terrorism now apparently.
Malicious exhibitionism much more like.
Wish a techno-viking shove a glowstick up your ass.
...and doing so will be a perfect way of having you reported to your ISP for breaking your TOS conditions.
Certainly being Mjolnired from Facebook, Twitter etc.
- Sending pictures of happy sons with their fathers to fags
This is terrorism? I have a gay son. I have not thrown him out of the house or the family. I hug him often. I also hug my straight son. You might be sending a picture of me and my son to my other son. Oooooh, edgy.
- Send islamic beheading to fags and trannies
Yeah. Some of them do that shit. They also behead straight men and women for being reporters or Christains or Americans. Not sure why you think this is targeted terror during pride month.
- Posting pictures of actual teenage girls to tranny sub reddits to make them feel like shit and trigger their dysphoria
Tempting to send you a picture of Tula Cossey. I suppose it's important to you to think all transexuals are easily detected on sight. But there's a non-zero chance any pic you grab of an 'actual teenaged girl' will be a cross-dressing boy. Reality has a progressive leaning.
You may want to rethink your alias, seeing how in JoJo canon, Dio is bisexual. Either way, how is he supposed to be a role model, severely malignant narcissist (who was only too happy to abjure his humanity to become a vampire, no less) that he is?
Oh really. I don’t think the first and the third would upset too many people, gay or straight, as previously mentioned. The second definitely qualifies as hate speech and will get you banned faster than a speeding bullet. Also, congratufkinglations, it shows you have the same mentality as ISIL!
Just like others here I’m very much wondering what the first one is even trying to accomplish. I think this is about the pseudoscientific notion that gay men allegedly have a bad or very distant relationship to their fathers and have become gay because of their subsequent closeness to their mothers (because having a feminine role model means you become feminized yourself, and being feminine == being gay you see?). So sending these pictures is supposed to “trigger” us by reminding us about our alleged bad relationship to our fathers. This is almost too stupid to take seriously, but it’s the only possibility I could think of that made any form of sense.
Saying this as a pretty manly gay guy with a good relationship with both my parents myself.
Actually these three things come across as annoyingly lazy and ineffective trolling rather than terrorism to me. They’ve become so enamored with the idea that everyone slightly left to themselves is easily triggered that they don’t even put effort into it anymore. A bit of a relief actually and very revealing.
- Sending pictures of happy sons with their fathers to fags
Plenty gay men have wonderful relationship with their fathers.
- Send islamic beheading to fags and trannies
And enjoy getting a ban, Mr. Shock-Poster.
You’ve the same maturity than the troll who used to post scat there; you will be treated the same by your online provider, and if you’re really unlucky, by the court.
- Posting pictures of actual teenage girls to tranny sub reddits to make them feel like shit and trigger their dysphoria
I’m sure they would just look at a pretty girl without feeling themselves bad.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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