H J #psycho #racist amren.com

RE: A Story from the Urban Jungle

”It taught one white woman an important lesson.”

I find this unfathomable whenever I go back to the old country in Eastern Europe. There are some negroes and muslims there, particularly in the large cities, but lo and behold - they behave. They behave because they know that acting out, like attacking a White woman for example, would get them strung up by the balls and treated to a baseball bat deep tissue massage. The US is at a point where it not only impotently watches negroes abuse White women, it actively tries to cover it up.

The same thing happens in India. Unruly negros and muslims face the wrath of Hindus from time to time. There are a few negros who live in big cities. They are known to peddle drugs.

Peddling drugs, they do that in all major cities. I talked to a friend in Europe. A woman who works for the police said that each time a drug pusher is sent back to Nigeria, he comes right back the next year.

Sometimes when they are caught peddling drugs, stealing or harassing women they get a brutal beating in India. There are many videos on youtube, don't watch it if you are soft-hearted.



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